Children’s tourism

Children and family tours to Israel. Cognitive and entertaining programs. Camp “Friendship” on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Travel arrangements for Jewish schools from abroad. Bar / Bat Mitzvah in Israel.

Beach library in Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv Jaffa municipality has launched a new project – a beach library. The library is located at the Metzitzim Beach, near the city’s port. It allows tourists and beachgoers to check out books for free during their leisure time there this summer. The library is essentially a giant bookshelf on wheels featuring about 600 books in five languages: Hebrew, English, Arabic, Russian and French.


More tech-savvy visitors who do not wish to read print books will also be able to use their personal tablets and e-readers to connect to the free WiFi that the municipality provides all over the city, and download electronic reading material.

There is no fee and no sign-out process. The beach library will not have a librarian supervising it, and there will be very little control over the books. The municipality is relying on people to return books, and not “borrow” them for good. The library operates entirely on the honor system.
